
football is very competitive for the glory of the win and the amount of money you can win. you want to win to get to the super bowl and win to earn more fans and get a lot of money also just playing the game is super fun but its very competitive.


jobs are so important to get a job because with a job you could do so much fun stuff in life like buy a house and a car and go on trips you could do almost everything with money and you only could get money if you get a job but also you need to get a good job and to do that you have to go to college and get good grades and good college and if you do all that you could also get your dream job so you can also have fun while you are doing your job.


christmas have you ever heard of it? If you haven’t heard of christmas yet it’s ok because I’m about to tell you all about it. Christmas is the best holiday ever because it’s all about joy and you get to laugh all the time and you get amazing present from family and friends and guess what even SANTA. Let me tell you about Santa he gives you present and also the night right before christmas if you leave cookies in milk he will eat them when goes into your house drops off the present for you but don’t worry it’s not bad if he breaks in he is nice and he comes in through your chimney don’t worry he will still find a way in to your house and still give you a present. One of the best things about Christmas is the friends and family you get to hang out with and we’ll also the present are great and don’t even get me started about all the food you get to eat. So out of all the holidays there are i would say Christmas is the best holiday you can ever have



sports there is so much sports and its all fun some sports are football and baseball there is also soccer tennis and more i think that it is really important to play sports so you can stay active and socialise and learn how to use team work also it makes you stronger and all the sports are different so if you dont like football then you can play baseball or any other sport that is not tackling